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12lotus is set in a strange world of mysterious reality-bending phenomena, where civilizations and their culture are rooted around the idea of a still-present 6-headed god-like being who speaks of the land itself as something that can be, and has been, reborn. As the main characters traverse through the depths of this world, they discover further hints that the world itself has been unfolding into something disturbing.

This world has a surreal fantasy vibe with a lot of somewhat unconventional anthro characters, though the fantasy aspects are smoothly integrated moreso as "alternative science" in this world, and thus there are no conventional fantasy elements like magic, spirits, etc. A lot of things such as strange organic morphing threads are integrated into most of the machinery, as well as other strange ritualistic interactions based around various cerebral concepts. Horror is also a very frequent tone that the world takes on, as the reveals may gradually become more disturbing.

The characters will frequently encounter very bizarre and often a rather creepy cast of characters, ranging from harmless and goofy to downright horrific, and frequently have to counter them with various rituals involving a certain thread-like substance in their bodies, produced by a strange plant-like organ, though sometimes, however, escape is the only option.


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